Prague Bypass, section 512, structures SO 203 and SO 207, CZ

Prague Bypass, section 512, structures SO 203 and SO 207
Construction of two bridges over the new motorway carrying over local farm roads and bio-corridors

• size of the bride to allow pass through a motorway of 3+3 lines each with a hard shoulder
• Width of the bridge at the crown to be at least 30m for the wild animals
• Lower the risks connected with traditional in-situ procedures
• Quick solution on site with minimum impact on the site traffic management and close by environment

• Using precast arch system with flat base foudations
• Combinaton of 91 wall and 310 roof to allow basically 4 + 4 lines pass through
• Using precast wingwalls sloped 1:1,2
• End treatment of the backfill over the crown to be as naturally sloped embankment

  • CLIENT ŘSD ČR (Czech Highway Agency)
  • YEAR 2009
  • INSTALATIONJuly (SO207) and September (SO203) 2009, each structure only 10 days of installation
  • CONTRACTORMetrostav as Division 4 in Joint Venture
  • CONSULTANTPragoprojekt a.s.
  • STRUCTUREPrecast twin arch structure combination 91 x 310
  • SPAN2 x 19m (clear)
  • HEIGHT9,5m (clear)
  • LENGTH50,0m (20 rings by 2,5m)
  • TAGS