Motorway R1, section Selenec – Beladice, PPP project, SK

Motorway R1, section Selenec – Beladice, PPP project
PPP Motorway R1, section Selenec – Beladice, bridge SO207 and SO201
New bridge under the new motorway over a river Bocegaj and over a I. class road

ABM designed, casted and constructed the precast arch structure for the structure SO207 for the first PPP project in Slovakia. The structure SO 207 is actually divided into two separate structures with the total length of 72m. The shorter section takes over a local farm road class P6/40 (width of the road/design speed) and the longer section the new motorway class 22,5/100 over a local river Bocegaj. The significant skew of 52,9grad (i.e. the angle between the axle of the road over to the axle of the obstacle below) forced ABM to design and manufacture a special type of end treatment never done before within ABM. The portals are done in such way so they look even in the skew embankment without any precast elements projecting from the embankment. The installation of the whole 72m long structure last only 6 days. The structure SO201 is of a bigger profile and takes the new motorway over a busy I. class road. The requirement was to install the structure over the live traffic as there was no option for a diversion of the traffic. This was easily achieved thanks to the system being divided into three sections – two walls, which were installed without disturbing of the traffic and then the roof for which placement the traffic had to be stopped for approximately 10mins. Both structures were cast at ABM facility in Slovakia and installed in 2010. The section Selenec – Beladice of the R1 PPP project will be opened for public in Autumn 2011.

  • CLIENT The Ministry of Transport, concessionaire Granvia a.s.
  • YEAR 2010
  • INSTALATIONSO 207 April 2010 and SO201 August 2010
  • CONTRACTOREurovia CS a.s.
  • DESIGNERDopravoprojekt a.s.
  • STRUCTURESO 207 as precast arch 7,5 wall x 40 roof and SO 201 as precast arch 52 wall and 185 roof
  • SPANSO 207 as 7,1m (clear) and SO 201 as 16,0m (clear)
  • HEIGHTSO 207 as 3,2m (clear) and SO 201 as 7,7m (clear)
  • LENGTHSO 207 a 51,2m + 21,2m and SO 201 as 52,8m
  • TAGS